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All Juniors will take the ACT at Holden School in March for free and registration is done by the school and not online. If a student chooses to take the ACT at any other time then online registration is required.

Students are to register online to take the ACT at the website 



***Students receiving DSNAP or Medicad  may see counselor for up to four fee waivers.


ACT Free prep sites are:
This is a video of 10 hints for the English section of the ACT. These are meant to be fairly general. If you want us to expand on any of the specifics or provide more ...
Here are some useful approaches to take on some ACT questions if you get stuck on the test.
If you want to see more SAT/ACT videos, explanations, and riddles, subscribe to our channel, and contact us with video requests or if you want to try to stump our ...
Here are a few quick tips for the ACT Reading section - improve your timing and ability to answer simple questions quickly! If you want to see more math videos ...





   In the Spring, the school will also offer a free ACT Boot Camp to all juniors prior the spring ACT testing. No cost- free to all- and will be done during the school day.