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A Brief Intro to Handwriting


We will start early! I teach handwriting, beginning on the second or third day of school. This is to prevent children from developing incorrect habits.


Pencil grip has been taught with specific attention to index finger and thumb placement. Students that need a gripper will be supplied one by myself to help them grip the pencil better. 



Children are introduced to the Top Line, Mid Line, and Bottom Line to help form and practice both Lower and Uppercase Letters appropriately.  



Skywriting and Rainbow Writing help develop those fine motor skills that will eventually lead to proper handwriting. Playdough formations of letters are also a great way to make practicing fun!



We talk about correctly sitting and holding a pencil every day in school. I show them the" alligator grip "and they learn to hold the pencil correctly by using this fun trick.  I will send home pictures from our handwriting books with instructions to show parents the correct sitting posture.

A copy of the correct way to form Alphabet Letters is attached to each child's Homework Book.  Please refer to this information when practicing at home. 


Good habits start early and bad habits are tough to break. Practicing letter formation is the foundation for correct and legible handwriting. With careful and focused practice using the proper strokes their handwriting becomes clear and precise. Practice makes for good handwriting.