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Hey Everyone!! I sure do miss seeing all of you!! I hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy.

As I am sure you all know, we are out of school until April 30th. I have broken down the book chapters and skills videos into 4 weeks, beginning with last week,  so we can all stay freshened up on what we have learned. So here is this week's review information:


1. Read and review chapters 16-21,  review terminology and then answer review questions at end of each chapter

   Ch 21: the Musculoskeletal System ( review cast care, fractured hip care, weight bearing, TKR and care, and different types of Arthritis and care of each)

   Ch 20: The Respiratory system (review COPD, Pneumonia, TB and care of each;Oxygen delivery) Much of this information is being discussed now related to Covid-19

   Ch19: The Circulatory system-(review the structure and function of the heart and flow of blood; review diseases-CAD, MI, Angina, PVD, CHF and care/treatment of)

   CH 18:The Integumentary system-(review structure of skin, how aging affects skin, wounds, diseases-esp Cellulitis, Pressure Ulcers/Decubitus ulcers and how to care/prevent them, hot/cold applications and dressings.

   Ch 17:  The Reproductive System-(review common disorders)

   Ch 16: The Urinary System-(review structure and function; common disorders-UTI, CRF, ESRD, dialysis; review incontinence, catheters and catheter care, emptying urinary drainage bag; urine specimens


2. Review Skills videos on 4yourCNA-youtube

      -Dress a resident who has a weak arm

      -Feed a resident who is sitting in a chair

      -Provide mouth care to a resident who has teeth

      -Provide mouth care to a resident who has a denture     


3. Do free practice CNA test questions  on CNA plus academy/quizlet online.