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There are 3 rules for the Art Studio at MAES.


A = Attitude 

                 Be positive and try your personal BEST!



R = Respect

                  Respect the materials, the adults, and each other.


T = Time

                  Use time WISELY.  Transition quickly and quietly.


Students breaking rules will first receive a nonverbal redirection.  Secondly, the student will receive a private verbal redirection.  Third, the student may be asked to physically move to a different location in the classroom.  Finally, the student will be asked to "Stop and Think", by filling out an action sheet which will be sent home to be signed by an adult.  Parents of students receiving a Stop and Think will also receive a phone call home.  All Douglas County School District student rules are also to be followed in accordance to the Student Handbook.



Classroom Environment

The classroom is uncluttered and clean to provide a space that is pleasant and easy to work in.  The room is decorated with student creations, highlighting student artwork that is exceptional, providing recognition for students who put forth their best effort, visual aides, and famous works of art.  Work spaces are arranged so students can work cooperatively, yet allow for a free traffic flow and visibility for students when I am demonstrating or presenting information.  In general, noise is kept at a minimum, as I have discovered that even though it is nice for students to be allowed to socialize, they are not as productive as they could be when they work quietly.


Daily Routine

There is daily routine for students so that every minute of the class period is productive.  We begin with the "Introduction".  During this time, students will observe presentations, listen to poetry or a story, tour a virtual museum, or simply listen to a set of directions.  The next portion of our time is called the "Art Lab".  All activity during the Art Lab is student centered.  Students are working individually or in groups to complete a practice piece or a project.  Finally, the last few minutes are dedicated to cleaning up.  Each student has an assigned job to help get the room in order for the next set of artists.  Each part of our daily routine includes a set of CHAMP expectations students have learned about and practiced at the beginning of the year.