Daily Kindergarten Plan for 3/16
- Beginning Sounds: Say the name of each picture in the row and circle the beginning sound that they both star with
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Number Writing Formation 1-20: Using a pencil trace the numbers and then write your own next to it. Focus on formation and feel free to use the number poems in your star binder to help!
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Weather Labeling: Look at the weather picture and cut out the label cards at the bottom. Match each label with the correct weather. Color when finished.
- Go outside and observer the weather. Draw a picture of what you see and write a sentece or two (optional)
Daily Kindergarten Plan for Tuesday 3/17
- Name writing practice: Practice writing your first and last name! You can use fun writing tools like gel pens, markers or crayons. You can also rainbow write your name by going over it 3 times with differenct colors!
- Rhyming Pairs: Cut out the picutres at the bottom and glue it next the the matching pair at the top. Use our swirling strategy to help hear those sounds!
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- (If you have anothe beginning sounds worksheet in your day 2 packet, please disregard. It is a duplicate from yesterday)
- Number Writing: Trace numbers 1-30 and then write them in the blank boxes 2 times. Remember to take your time and form each number correctly!
- Practice counting to 100 by ones and tens
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Push and Pull: Color the pictures that would tke a lot of strength to pull
- Force: Practice using a pull force at home to make something move
Daily Kindergarten Plan for Wednesday 3/18
- Muffin Letter Discrimination: Use the code on the right hand side to color the muffins in correct. Take your time and look at each letter. Remember to color neatly ( No Messy Jessy's) When you have finished write the letter on the line that you found the most and the letter you found the lesat.
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Roll and Read Teen Numbers: There are two ways you can play! Roll a six sided dice and find the matching row. Read all the teen numbers across the row. Keep rolling and playing for a few minutes until you practiced reading each row a few times.
- If you do not have dice at home, no problem! Write numbers 1-6 on a small peice of paper and put them in a hat or bucket. Pull a nuber out and find the matching row and read the numbers. Return the number back to the hat or bucket and pull again. Continue play until you have practice reading each row a few times.
- What's missing: Look at the numbers in each row and count on. Write the missing numbers.
- Splash Math (Optional)
- (OPTIONAL) Practice some addition and subtraction story promblems. (Example: There were 5 frogs at the lake. 2 more came to play. How many frogs are at the lake all together? OR 5 frogs are at the lake. 3 jump away. How many frogs are left?) You can use your fingers, draw pictures or move objects to help find the answer! Write a number sentene to match.
- Living/ Non-living: Look at the pictures and decide if it is living or non-living. Circe the correct answer and color the picture. For the items you circled as living, write briefly how you know. Items that were circled non-living write a breif reason how you know.
- Go on a nature walk in your yard and draw things that you see that are living and non-living
Daily Kindergarten Plan for Thursday 3/19
- Roll and Rhyme: You can play with a grown-up, sibling or by yourself! You will need a dice and counters(penny, cereal, small toy etc) Roll the dice and move your counter. Say the word you landed on and try to make another word that rhymes with it. If your word rhymes you get to stay. If it doesn't, return to your previous space. The first person to the finish line wins!
- Beginning sounds: Bounce out the beginning sound of each picture. Cut and glue the picture to the correct mathing letter.
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Gumballs Galore: Count the gumballs in each machine and circle the correct number
- Cinderella's Jewels: Read the number word (See if you can use the beginning sound to figure out the number word) Color the correct number of jewels to match.
- Positional Words: Review the two columns (on top and under) Cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page and glue them in the correct column.
- Splash Math (Optional)
- (OPTIONAL) Practice some addition and subtraction story promblems. (Example: There were 5 frogs at the lake. 2 more came to play. How many frogs are at the lake all together? OR 5 frogs are at the lake. 3 jump away. How many frogs are left?) You can use your fingers, draw pictures or move objects to help find the answer! Write a number sentene to match.
- Push and Pull: Color the pictures that would take a lot of strength to push
- Practice using a push force at home to make something move
Daily Kindergarten Plan for Friday 3/20
- Roll, Match and Rhyme: Students can play individually or with a partner. If playing with a partner, roll the die and find the matching row. Pick one word in the row and say it aloud. Think of a rhyming word to go with it. If your word rhymes cover it with you counter. Once all the pictures are covered, the person with the most counters wins. If playing individually, play the same except color in the picture when you make a rhyme.
- Pumpkin ABC: Cut out the lowercase letter pumpkins and clue them on the sheet in alphabetical order
- Letter/Number Sort: Cut out the letters and numbers at the bottom of the page and clue them under the correct column.
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- A warm drink: Connect the dots in numerical order from 1-20. Color the picture when you are done!
- Practice counting to 100 by ones and tens
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Plant and animal sort: Cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page and decide if the picture is of an animal or a plant. Clue it in the correct column.
- Go on a nature walk to find plants and animals
Daily Plan Monday 3/23
- Color by Sound: Say the name of the picture. Bounce out the beginning sound and color in the matching letter. **See if you can use your brave spelling to label each word on the back!
- Rainy Day: On a peice of paper, write about your favorite thing to do on a rainy day! (optional)
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Practice your letter recognition and sounds with this fun video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36IBDpTRVNE
- Apple Ten Frames: Look at the number in the apple. Draw that many counters in the ten frame.
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Addition/Subtraction: Practice some addition and subtraction story promblems. (Example: There were 5 frogs at the lake. 2 more came to play. How many frogs are at the lake all together? OR 5 frogs are at the lake. 3 jump away. How many frogs are left?) You can use your fingers, draw pictures or move objects to help find the answer! Write a number sentene to match. (optional)
- Here is a fun additon/subtraction video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHI0ePgwlgU&list=RDNHI0ePgwlgU&start_radio=1
- Parts of a Plant: Cut out the labels at the bottom of the page. Label the picture and color it in! Here is a fun video about flower parts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql6OL7_qFgU
- Have fun listening to this read aloud "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_A_e6h-DhU
Daily Plan Tuesday 3/24
- My Name: Write your first OR last name in the boxes. Remember that our names start with a capital letter followed by lowercase! Count how many letter are in our first or last name.
- Beginning Sounds: Cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page. Bounce out the beginning sound and glue the picture next to the correct letter. **Challenge- Pick one of the pictures and see if you can think of a rhyming word!
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Pumpkin Ten Frame- Look at the number in the box. Color in that many number of pumpkins in the ten frame
- **OPTIONAL challenge- Can you look at your ten frame and figure out how many more pumpkins you need to get to ten? Example- 3 pumpkins should be colored in the first ten frame. How many more pumpkins do you need to get to 10? 3 + ____ = 10 Count the remaining pumpkins in the ten frame to help! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBkpC29_GaI
- Missing Numbers: Start with the box on the left. Say the numbers and fill in the missing numbers that would come next in the count sequence.
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Living/Non-Living Story - Read the story about living and non-living things. Can you tell someone at home why the picture shows somehting living (needs food, water, air and grows) or not living? (Parents you may challenge your child to use the letter tiles to build the missing word. This could be tricky so feel free to write in the missing letters as well)
- Living and Non-living walk- Take a nature walk in your back yard and draw 3 iiving things you see and 3 non-living things you see. Use your brave spelling to write them on the list.
- Living Things Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzN299RpJHA Non-Living Things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAWcBSZ0klw
Daily Plan Wednesday 3/25
- Rhyming- cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page. Glue the picture next to a picture at the top that rhymes. Remember to use your rhyming swirl to help you hear the rhyme! Check out this silly video with Grover! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GpPJrUlEwo
- Sound it Out - Look at the pair of pictures. Say the name of each picture and bounce out their beginning sound. Color in the letter that matches the beginning sound they share.
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Counting Socks - Count the socks and write the atching number on the line. Color in the same number of circles using a crayon!
- Count to 100 by ones and tens!
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Weather Words: Trace each weather word and color the picture to match. (Extension- share with a grow-up or write about what you like to do on those type of days)
- Weather tracing- This activity is designed to practice fine motor and pencil grip. Using a 3 finger pencil grip trace the lines from one side to the other side.
- Here is a cute weather video!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmSKsyJ15yg&disable_polymer=true
Daily Plan Thursday 3/26
- Visual Perception Letters- look at the first letter in each row. Circle the letters that are the same in the row. Take your time and look carefully!
- Roll and Rhyme: You can play with a grown-up, sibling or by yourself! You will need a dice and counters(penny, cereal, small toy etc) Roll the dice and move your counter. Say the word you landed on and try to make another word that rhymes with it. If your word rhymes you get to stay. If it doesn't, return to your previous space. The first person to the finish line wins!
- Rhyming Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSPmGPIyykU&t=60s (Optional)
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Count and Color Graph- Look at the picture at the bottom of the graph. Count how many of those pictures appear at the top of the page. Use a crayon to color the boxes to show how many. Tell a friend which picture is the greatest and least? Are any pictures equal
- Count to 100 by ones and tens! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RhBhzFJ4Ww&disable_polymer=true
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Living/Non-living sort - Color and cut out the pictures of different objects. Decide if the picture shows something living or non-living and past the picture in the correct column.
- Challenge- Use your brave spelling to label the pictures!
Daily Plan Friday 3/27
- Rhhyming: Cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page. Glue the picture next to the matching rhyming pair and color.
- Number Writing: Review number writing for numbers 1-9. Use your "whiteboard" chalkboard in your star binder and number poems. **Leave the "chalkboard" in the sheet protector and use a dry erase marker. It will wipe right off like a whiteboard.
- Complete the number writing practice sheet for number 6
- Living/Non-living- Cut out the pictures and sort them under living and non-living!
Daily Plan Monday 3/30
- Sorting Syllables: Cut the pictures out at the bottom of the page. Clap out the word to find out how many syllable it has -Remeber out jingle!! "Syllables are how many beats are in a word!"(Ex: Pretzel- /pret/-/zel/ has 2 syllables.) Glue the picture in the correct house that shows how many syllables. Here is a SUPER silly video to give you a syllable reminder if needed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S7DY2lgJlU&t=194s
- FUN Passage: Read the short story titled "Fun". Remember to use your pointer power, beginning sounds and continue the pattern! If you get stuck on a word, tap it out!! After reading, answer the simple questions at the bottom. See if you can use a yellow marker or crayon to highlight any POWER WORDS you see!
- ARC BookShelf reading -please contact me if you forgot your sign-in information (optional)
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Block Math: Cut out the teen numbers at the bottom of the page. Count the tens and ones in each box and glue the matching number next to it. Remeber when you count a ten you, you dont have to count each box! Swipe your finger and say 10, then count on, just like we do in class! Here is that fun video we watched in class! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uedvwH6Ay18
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Force, Motion, Push and Pull: Explore your yard or items in your house! Find things around that you can push, pull and make move! Use your science vocabulary words to describe what you are doing. Draw or write about your discroveries on the recording sheet! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-SnC_WKsCg
- Five Senses: Use your sense of touch to go on a scavenger hunt to find things around your house that fit into each category. Record what you found by drawing a picture or writing a list!!
Daily Plan Tuesday 3/31
- Syllables: Look at the animal in each box. Clap out the word to find out how many syllables it has -Remember our jingle!! "Syllables are how many beats are in a word!"(Ex: Pretzel- /pret/-/zel/ has 2 syllables.) Color in the number that matches the correct number of syllables. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psUPYR235O8
- Spring Passage: Read the short story titled "Spring". Remember to use your pointer power, beginning sounds and continue the pattern! Read the passage 3 times and color in a happy face each time you read! If you get stuck on a word, tap it out!! After reading, answer the simple questions at the bottom. See if you can use a yellow marker or crayon to highlight any POWER WORDS you see!
- ARC BookShelf reading -I will be sending directions and login credentials later this week! If you need it before them, please reach out.
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Making Numbers: Wrtie the number in the box to match the number word on the watering can. Here's a fun rap to help! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzfFzJGwwZQ
- Splash Math (optional)
- Direction and movement: Look at the object in the picture and the direction it moves. Draw an arrow to show the movement. (See example in box one) Talk with a person at home about each movement and what force made it move, a push or a pull?
- Maze Engineer: Design two of your own mazes however you would like! Give them to someone at home to follow! :)
Daily Pan Wednesday 4/1
- Beginning Sounds: Look at the picture in each box. Bounce out the beginning sounds and color in the letter that matches.
- Here We Go Passage: Read the short story titled "Here We Go". Remember to use your pointer power, beginning sounds and continue the pattern! Read the passage 3 times and color in a happy face each time you read! If you get stuck on a word, tap it out!! After reading, answer the simple questions at the bottom. See if you can use a yellow marker or crayon to highlight any POWER WORDS you see!
- ARC BookShelf reading -I will be sending directions and login credentials later this week! If you need it before them, please reach out.
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Addition: Cut out the easter eggs and make sure to cut them in half. Use you fingers to help solve the addition problem. On a separate sheet of paper, paste the top of the egg with the number sentence with the bottom of the egg that shows the answer.
- Splash Math (optional)
- Rolls/ Doesn't Roll- Cut out the pictures and decide if the item can be rolled or not rolled. Paste them in the correct boxes.
Daily Plan Thursday 4/2
- Letter Practice: Look at the letter in the box. Use your best handwriting to write the letter on the lines 5 times! Take your time and think about if the letter is tall, small or falls! Can you think of a word that begins with that letter sound?? He is a video to practice letter sounds! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP1blVh1ZQM
- Let's Play Passage: Read the short story titled "Let's Play". Remember to use your pointer power, beginning sounds and continue the pattern! Read the passage 3 times and color in a happy face each time you read! If you get stuck on a word, tap it out!! After reading, answer the simple questions at the bottom. See if you can use a yellow marker or crayon to highlight any POWER WORDS you see!
- ARC BookShelf reading - login credentials have been sent!
- ARC Adventures- practice power words. Use the same ARC credentials
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Review skills: Follow the directions for boxes A-D. Box D is an additon practice question (2+1=3)
- Splash Math
- Push, Pull, Sort it: Cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page. Decide if you can push the object, pull the object or do both. Glue the picture in the correct column
- Walk around the house and find things to push and pull!
Mrs. Durham wanted me to share this with you! She is our school counselor. This is a form you can have your child complete each day about how they are doing and feeling-if you would like! (this is optional)
Thank you so much for your feedback on yesterdays questionnaire! If you haven't had a chance, please take some time to fill out the Check-in questionnaire regarding distance learning. This can be found in your Dojo messages!
In an effort to help make your planning easier, I will begin posting the days lessons the night before <3
Please remember, should we be going PAST day 20, we will begin virtual instruction with NEW material (This is when the mathbooks and journals will be utilized) :)
We will have another class ZOOM on Friday at 3:30pm. I will be sending out the invitation later today
Daily Learning Plan Friday 4/3
- Letter Practice: Look at the letter in the box. Use your best handwriting to write the letter on the lines 5 times! Take your time and think about if the letter is tall, small or falls! Can you think of a word that begins with that letter sound?? He is a video to practice letter sounds! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0iYz8c9gKg
- Here We Go Passage: Read the short story titled "Here We Go". Remember to use your pointer power, beginning sounds and continue the pattern! Read the passage 3 times and color in a happy face each time you read! If you get stuck on a word, tap it out!! After reading, answer the simple questions at the bottom. See if you can use a yellow marker or crayon to highlight any POWER WORDS you see!
- ARC BookShelf reading - login credentials have been sent!
- ARC Adventures- practice power words. Use the same ARC credentials
- RAZ-Kids (optional)
- Greater Than: Tell a grown-up what the words greater than, less than and equal to mean. Look at the objects in each row and circle the group that is greater. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LctQ_30sJ0
- Splash Math (Optional)
- Gravity: Watch this quick video on gravity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1kVro7P1KE
- Read the short passage and complete the word
- Complete the science acitivity abot gravity
Our class zoom is at 3:30 today!! We will have a beginning sounds scavenger hunt and read aloud! Hope to see you there! :)