page contents
School Supplies
- 16 Count Crayola Crayons (2 boxes if possible)
- 4 Glue Sticks: We will be using glue sticks this year quite often. Elmer’s disappearing purple glue sticks are preferred so your child can see where he/she applied the glue.
- 2 Dry Erase Markers and an old children’s sock: The sock will be used as an eraser when we use our whiteboards. Black Expo markers are preferred. Please NO colored dry erase marker as they ruin the whiteboards.
- 1 pair of children’s scissors
- Pencil Box: This box will be used to house all your childs schools supplies. The boxes that have a id are best.
- Lunch/Snack Bag: This bag/box will be used to hold a daily snack as well as a lunch if your child brings from home.
- Book Bag: The book bag should be big enough to fit a binder and a snack bag. (Please no book bags with wheels.)
Please make sure all items have your child’s first and last name on them--pencil box, book bag, and snack bag. Please send all items with your child on the first day of Kindergarten! Thank you very much!