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Dear Parents,


On Friday, October 4, your child will be receiving a progress report for the first trimester. A progress report is a way to communicate about your child’s ongoing progress. The First Grade Progress Report is a skills based report. This report is a representation of your child’s growth. Each child is assessed individually. Please keep in mind that this is not a traditional grading scale. Our Progress report also looks at all of the skills your children will be learning THIS year, not the skills that they should have come in with.


The first section “Approach to Learning” looks at how your child’s work study habits and behavior affect your child’s learning. If your child received a “+”, “*”or “^”, it is an indication that your child has a strength or weakness in this area.


Each child develops at different rates in different times. Academic areas are assessed according to skills taught at the current time of the report. If a skill is not assessed, it has not been formally taught or assessed.


The assessment key represents how your child demonstrates that given skill. If your child receives a four, this is an indication that your child needs teacher guidance to perform this. If your child receives a three, your child is performing this skill with minimal guidance from the teacher. If your child receives a two, your child is capable of performing this skill independently without assistance.  


These skills are introduced this year and then revisited next year in second grade.  We do not expect children in first grade to truly 'master' anything.  Many of the skills they will continue learning in the upcoming years.  We hope that by the end of first grade they will be able to accomplish many of these tasks with minimal guidance or independently.  



     Dorothy Paul

     Gloria Nardone

     Carrie Cisar