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Down by the Bay


Great news first grade families!!!! We have been able to secure a 1st grade class trip :o).  Our trip will take place on Tuesday, May 7th.  We will begin the day with a breakfast food (bagels perhaps) that will need to be sent in with the kids.  At 9:30 AM we will head to the bay!  The children will get to explore the estuary environment of the Bay and observe the dynamic influences of wind, water, waves, sand and salt.  During a seining demonstration, children will have the opportunity to study living creatures of the bay collected in the seine net.  The children will also explore the beach to collect and learn about shells and shellfish and will get to do a craft that will help us to better understand the biodiversity of the bay'.  We are very excited to get back to our class trips and having fun and learning outside of the school building :o).  We will be back in school about 1PM so we will have lunch in the classroom when we return.  You will have to send in a lunch because the cafeteria is done serving by then.   The dress code for the trip will be gym uniforms and fleeces.  We will sent a reminder as the trip draws near.  A permission slip for this adventure will be sent out shortly!  Please be on the lookout :o).   Thank you!