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The children will write the words three times each in their H Book.


The children will write the words in ABC order three times each in their H Book.

The students will write sentences using the first 5 spelling words. Please be sure the spelling words are underlined. There must be at least one spelling word in each sentence.  Each sentence must be atleast 5 words long.  Please illustrate one sentence.


Beginning January:


Wednesday's homework will turn into using 5 spelling words in 5 complete sentences but in paragraph/story form. The paragraph will have to go together like a story and kids will be asked to then illustrate.   


The students will use the next 5 spelling words in sentences. The students should study the spelling of the words. They will be tested on the words in class on Friday.  


Beginning January:


Thursday's homework will turn into using 5 spelling words in 5 complete sentences but in paragraph/story form. The paragraph will have to go together like a story and kids will be asked to then illustrate.   




Students must write any misspelled spelling words five times each on the back of their test.
*Please note: The schedule is subject to change based on holidays and special activities. In that case, there will be a new schedule posted on the homepage for that week.