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It is highly reccommended that all students review notes throughout the year for about 10-15 minutes each school night, even when there is no written homework assignment. This is especially true right before an assessment. Studying does not come easy for everyone, but one of the following strategies is sure to help you out! Please use them through out the school year. As the year goes on, we will share what we do with one another, and add new ideas to the list!
- Create Index Cards for Key Terms
- Create mnemonic devices
- Reread slideshows
- Copy notes, highlight important things that we discuss often in class
- Sketch pictures or visual doodles wherever you can
- Review and try to rework missed questions on all work, quizzes, and assignments returned to you
- Find a study buddy - quiz each other
- Makes connections with new information and things you already know
- Always review teacher created study guides
- Create your own study guide