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Comic Creating

Use these sites to create your own avatars, comics, and animations.



Use a comic builder to draw your own comics, caption photos, take webcam pictures and add speech balloons. Read, rate, and comment on comics made by people from all around the world.


Lego Comic Builder

With Lego's Comic Builder you can create a comic strip that feature Lego elements.



Pixton is an online comic making tool used by millions that empowers anyone to create unique, expressive comics without having to draw.


Strip Generator

Create and enjoy comic strips with fantastic ease. Join the friendly community, making comics has never been this fun.


SuperLame Word Balloon Engine

Upload pictures, add word balloons, speech bubbles, and thought balloons, then export it. Once you've got a balloon photo done, you can email it to a friend or save it for later use.



Toondoo lets you create comic strips and cartoons easily with just a few clicks, drags and drops. Get started now!



Toonlet is a free website that allows users to create their own cartoon characters and webcomics. Toonlet differs from other webcomic building tools in that comics are published on the site (or embedded elsewhere) similar to forum or blog posts, meaning they can be replied to.


Witty Comics

Make a comic.


Write Comics

Write your own comics with ease.  Select your characters, background, speech/thought bubbbles and go!  Very easy and fun to use.