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Audiobook Information


 One Click Digital

 OneClick Digital is located at: (read on for log-in information). 
This is a subscription site that students, faculty and staff can get access to.

Want Access to Free, High-Quality Audiobooks?

OneClick Digital provides free, high-quality audiobooks to the students, faculty and staff at HTHS and RMS.  There are thousands of books available, which can easily be transferred to your handheld device or computer.  Simultaneous access is available, which means more than one person can have a book out at a time.  Books are "checked out" for 10 days, but you are welcome to renew as many times as necessary.



How Do I Get Started?
1. Go to Haddon Twp's OneClick Digital page located here.
2. FIRST TIME USE ONLY: Click "Create New Account" and fill in the required information.

You will be prompted to enter a library code when first creating an account.  See the librarian for the code. Use a username and password you can remember--the library staff cannot retrieve it.


3. FIRST TIME USE ONLY: As soon as you get into OneClick Digital, download the "OneClick Digital Media Manager." This is found on the "Getting Started" link on the homepage.  Select your program (Mac or Windows) and follow the downloading prompts from there.  You ONLY need to do this one time (unless you use another device).


3. After setting up your account and downloading the Media Manager, browse the titles available for download.


4. When you find a title you want, click "Checkout Now."  


5. Follow the prompts to checkout the book.


6. Enjoy listening!


I Have an iPhone/Android.  Can I download a book there?

Yes!  All you need to do is purchase the free app.  Go to the app store and search for "OneClick Digital."  Then, download it like you would any other app.  Once downloaded, you can use OneClick Digital.  See the library staff if you need more detailed directions on how to do this.


Do NOT hesistate to talk to the library staff if you get stuck.  We are happy to help.


Librivox  Public domain books that are read by volunteers.  Download a title, or volunteer ot help Librivox by recording a title. Directions are available on the "Help" page.


eBook Information


How can I get free eBooks?

There are several places you can go on the Internet to get free eBooks.  The sites or services listed below will get you access to many free and reliable eBooks. 



Follett Shelf

Reach Follett Shelf by clicking the logo below:



How do I get started?

1. Click the logo/link above.  Enter your username and password (see library staff).

2. Browse the collection.

3. When you see a book you wish to download, click the cover. 

4. You can now read the book online.  But, when you close the session you will lose the book.  If you need the book longer, tell Follett Shelf to "Checkout" the book by clicking the "Checkout" link.  The book will be instantaneously checked out to your account.


Can I use my tablet or smartphone to download books?

Yes.  The program it runs on is called Follett Enlight.  You can download the app in the iTunes App Store or on Google Play.  You will need login and site information from the library staff.  The app is available on the library's iPads.

Using the Enlight app will allow you to access the school's eBook collection both online and offline.  Your books will automatically be returned at the end of the 2 week loan period.


Further information on Follett Shelf Enlight, including a quick user-guide is available by opening the document found here:   Enlight-QRG.pdf  


Project Gutenberg

(Mobile Site)

Project Gutenberg has thousands of free domain titles in eBook or audiobook format.  You can download titles using the following formats:

  • HTML
  • EPub (with or without images)
  • Kindle (with or without images)
  • Plucker
  • Qioo mobile
  • and more...


Any files downloaded to your computer are easily transferrable to your Kindle or Nook (if they don't have internet access) using the USB cable that came with your eReader.  Once downloaded, they are yours to keep (no returns, no late fees).



Best for desktop reading.  You can copy and paste the text into a word processing program (such as Word or Pages).  Primarily has the classics, as well as other "great" books, such as Gray's Anatomy, Bulfinch's Mythology and poems by several famous poets.  Excellent resource to turn to if you forgot your classroom reading assignment in your locker.