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Ms. Rishiy’s Student Expectations


Rishiy’s Note:   Life is about choices.  I choose to come here everyday to see you and teach you Science.  I choose (most days) to be happy to be here.  I choose to give you 100% and provide you with the tools necessary to succeed in my class.  All that is left is for YOU to CHOOSE to succeed in this class.  I am a firm believer that as a young adult you understand that life is all about choices, good and bad.  I cannot tell you to do anything you choose not to.  BUT with the privilege of choice comes acceptance of the consequence accompanying that choice.  The consequences can be either good or bad.  Make sure you are prepared to deal with the consequences of the choices you make!  Remember that as a student at IHS , you are expected to BE REAL (Respectful, Empathetic, Accountable and Life- Long Learners).  I expect those same things.  Here is a bit more detail on what it means to “BE REAL” in Rishiy’s class. 


So here’s the deal.  In order for you to learn, for the class to learn, and so I can teach….this is what I expect from you:


Take Care of Yourself (Be Accountable)

  • In order to do an effective job as a student, you will need to consistently take time to be academically successful, meet your own interpersonal needs, balance your time and energy and work on your plan for personal and academic development.


Be A Positive Role Model (Be Accountable & Be Respectful)

  •  Model appropriate behavior.  The job of a student is very important and demanding. Use good judgment as others are always watching you.


Know Your Limits (Be Accountable)

  •  Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice with any situation.


 Think, Then Act/React Appropriately (Be Respectful & Be Accountable)

  • Your primary role is to be a student.  This role includes making good decisions regarding your academic and personal life.  Think about your decisions before you act upon them.  Are the consequences really worth it? 


Keep Ms. Rishiy Informed (Be Accountable)

  • You should keep me informed of what is happening in your “science life;” there should be no surprises.  Together we can tackle the problems you may be facing.


Know Your Limits and Tell Me What You Need (Be Accountable)

  •   I am here for you and to assist you in the learning process…this is my primary job!  You need to let me know what you need as I am not a mind reader!


 Be Present (Be Accountable)

  • When you are in my class, be present.  Don’t just show up.  Participate!  Be involved! Share your thoughts! Your skills and abilities are wasted if you are not PART of the learning process.


  Be Here and Be On Time (Be Accountable)

  •  Be in your seat and working by the time the bell rings. 


Follow Directions The FIRST Time They Are Given. (Be respectful)


Be Prepared (Be Respectful)

  • Bring all supplies (pen, paper, book, notes, assignments).  If there is a problem with a task or deadline tell me BEFORE it is due.  Make your excuses count!  Take all your belongings with you when you leave.


Turn It In (Be Accountable)

  •   All information should be turned in on time, completed and showing that you gave your best effort.


 Follow ALL Ms. Rishiy’s Rules/Procedures/Expectations AND All School Policies (Be REAL)


 Have RESPECT For Yourself And Your Classmates (Be Empathetic & Be respectful)

  • Ms. Rishiy’s version of the Golden Rule:  Treat others as THEY want to be treated!  Examples of classroom behaviors that show respect: raise your hand (but wait until the person is done speaking as what they have to say is just as important as what you have to say), wait your turn to speak, don’t ridicule others’ answers…they may not be the same as yours, but they may not be wrong, do not sleep during class, and do not disturb the class when you are not in the mood to work (ex. Note writing, sound effects, talking, snapping gum, etc.)  USE your good judgment to see if your behaviors and actions would be defined as respectful.  If you are not sure, don’t do it or ask!  

 Ms. Rishiy’s Pet Peeve (Be Empathetic)

  • I have yet to meet someone who knows everything and can do everything with ease.  Not everyone will find science easy, but each and every one of you brings something to the table and has the CAPABILITY of doing well as long as you try, are willing to work hard and ask for help.


  Provide Constructive Feedback (Be Accountable &  Be respectful)

  •  I encourage open and honest communication.  If something is not working, then it is your responsibility to let me know. Note that this does NOT mean to whine or complain, but to work with me to find the “right” method. Suggest solutions and identify problems.   Provide feedback and support for your classmates in a helpful and healthy manner.  Help your peers succeed. 


Mistakes Happen (Be Empathetic)

  •  Learn from your mistakes, accept responsibility and move on.  Don’t expect others to be perfect either.  Address situations appropriately and let it go.  Mistakes happen and that is how we learn.  Incredible things have been discovered because of mistakes!


Learning Is YOUR Choice…Don’t Make The Choice For Anyone Else. (Be a Learner) 

  • Only you can choose if you want to learn and succeed.  I can only facilitate this experience and provide you with the materials and help you need.  YOU decide if you want to learn.  If you choose not to learn; please do not disturb those who choose to learn. 


Do Your Best By Giving 100%, Challenge Yourself (and others) To Do And Learn New Things.  ASK QUESTIONS (Be Accountable and Be a Learner)


YOU  are Irvington High … (Be REAL)

  • So are your classmates, fellow students, teachers, staff, and administrators.  Together we decide the community in which we learn, teach, and have fun.  Instead of complaining about what a bad place this may be, find ways to make it better.  Change does not happen overnight, but it never happens unless YOU make the choice to get involved!  

  Educate Yourself… (Be a Learner)

  •  You may not like the topics we discuss and some will be downright boring, but there are incredible and fascinating things too, so focus on the good (choose your attitude)!  Get to know your classmates and your teacher.  You may not agree what others do, say or think, but that is okay.  No one is asking you to accept their decisions and actions, but respect their choices as their own.  Everyone brings various perspectives to the class and allows you to see things from angles you may never thought to consider.  The more you know, the better decisions you can make!


Take Pride In your Work (Be Accountable)


Have Fun!  This Is Your Experience So Make It A Good One! (Be REAL)






Rishiy’s Biology Creed

(Adapted from the JROTC creed)


  • I am an active and productive member of  this Biology class.


  • I will always conduct myself in a way that  brings me, Rishiy, my family and my peers pride.


  • I will be loyal and persistent to my academic future.


  • I will always be accountable for my actions in and out of this class.


  • I will practice good judgment.


  • As we are a team, I will help my peers succeed in this class.


  • I will work hard in an out of this class to improve and strengthen my mind.


  • I will uphold the rules and expectations of IHS and this class.


  • I will do all that is in my power to successfully pass this class.