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Lesson: Integrating Dance into Social Studies - KNILT 


Grade 4 Social Studies Units


Unit 1: Discovering the Social Science

       How can the four core social sciences help us learn about our region of the country?


Unit 2: The Northeast

            What is it like to live in the Northeast region of the United States?


Unit 3: The Southeast

           What is it like to live in the Southeast region and how does it compare to the Northeast? 


Unit 4: The Midwest

            What is it like to live in the Midwest region and how does it compare to the Northeast? 


Unit 5: The Southwest

            What is it like to live in the Southwest region and how does it compare to the Northeast?


Unit 6: The West

            What is it like to live in the West region and how does it compare to the Northeast?


Unit 7: Inquiry: Studying Your State

            How can I use inqiry to learn about my state?


Students will:

  • Demonstrate understanding of unit concepts.
  • Express ideas effectively using writing, discussion and/or drawing when responding to informational text.