(856) 769-0855 ext. 3059
Grade 4 Math
Tranz Homeroom - https://classroom.google.com/c/NzEwMzA3Nzc1MjI2?cjc=gr7l3gm
Hornberger/Quinn Homeroom - https://classroom.google.com/c/NzEwMzEwMTUzMDM4?cjc=nmq6yvy
We are piloting a new Math series this year. Here is the Savaas link to the Login page for both classes. Students should use the Username and Password that they use to log in to their chromebooks.
Savaas Realize Login - https://www.savvasrealize.com/dashboard/viewer
If your child is are struggling to remember either their user name or password, here is the link to explain the formula for each.
Students may also utilize their Boddle account. https://www.boddlelearning.com/
There will be skill assignments that the students may complete. They just need to log in to their account – the questions will be incorporated in the program. Their Login information can be found in their Math Folder. It should be taped to the back of one of the sides of the folder.