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“One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries.”
― A.A. Milne




*Parents, please be sure to send your child's folder EVERY DAY.  Please check the folder every day and empty out papers that can be kept at home. Thank you very much for your help!


*Snack:  A small snack should be sent in every day.  Snack will usually be mid-afternoon or towards the end of the day depending on our schedule.  Snack should be easily opened by your child.  Please practice opening/sealing baggies, opening/shutting containers, putting straws in juice pouches/boxes, etc., at home.  Along with snack, we encourage a sturdy, leak-proof thermos. Please DO NOT send glass bottles /  bottles of juice / iced tea.  These are too easily spilled and make a sticky mess.  Also, glass can shatter.  

Finally, please provide napkins and appropriate utensils.  


*I encourage children to bring in one or two plastic water bottles because we will NOT have access to a water fountain.  (Please label with his/her name.)   




1)parents will be alerted if there is a student with allergies.  Please be mindful of this fact.  

2)The teacher cannot provide snacks for the students.

3)Sorry, No Birthday Treats*:  please do not send treats or candy. 

*This is in accordance with our district policy* 


*Please remember to set up your child's lunch account.  We are encouraging this so that students do not have to bring in money.  


*If you do need to send in money for any reason, please put the money in a baggie or envelope labeled with your child's name.


*Please do not send stuffed animals or toys to school. 


*Please send a ziplock baggie with extra clothes for your child to keep in the classroom in case of emergencies (spills, "accidents", etc.).


*Please keep a sweater or sweatshirt in your child's backpack since the classroom can sometimes be chilly with the air conditioning on.  Children are welcome to leave a sweater or sweatshirt in the classroom. 


*Please keep in mind that during warmer weather we will have outdoor recess, as well as plenty of outdoor time.  Students are encouraged to come to school in appropriate footwear so they may climb the playground equipment and run safely.  


Thank you for your help and cooperation!