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Math in Physical Education:

Calculating Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)


   Estimated Time of Arrival, or E.T.A. is a calculation used to determine the time it would take you to get from one place to another. In, this case, we’re going to calculate how long it would take for you to run from M.S.P. to WAWA (Figure 1) if the time it took for you to complete the Shuttle Run was 12.7 seconds.


MSP to WAWA map

Figure 1: Map showing route from M.S.P. to WAWA


Information needed:


  • Distance from M.S.P. to WAWA = 2,376 feet
  • Shuttle Run one-way distance = 30 feet
  • Since your Shuttle Run score is based on running back and forth four times, you must find your one-way time for 30 feet:

Shuttle Run time = 12.7 seconds / 4 = 3.175 seconds one-way-average Shuttle Run time

  • Time to run 30 feet = 3.175 seconds
  • 2,376 feet / 30 feet = 79.2



3.175 seconds X 79.2 = 251.46 seconds / 60 seconds = 4.191 minutes



If you ran from M.S.P. to WAWA your Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) would be in 4.191 minutes.




1. Is there another way to complete this calculation?


2. Make a real-life, personal application for ETA.

