Belleville Public Schools Curriculum
03. Middle School (7-8)
4. High School (9-12)
5. Districtwide Curricular Resources (K-12)
Talented & Gifted
TAG Grades 7-8 Resources
Academically Speaking.pdf
Appendix of Accommodations and Modifications: Special Education/504, ELL, G&T, and At Risk Students
Appendix of Technology Standards and Infusion Exemplars Grades 6-8
Belleville Independent Inquiry Project (3-8).docx
Blooms Wheel.png
BPS - BRTS_ Engineering Notebook .docx
Challenge 24 Rules.pdf
Copy of BRT - PBL Teacher Notes - Workbook (1).docx
solar sprint document.pdf
Solar Sprint Journal.pdf
Unit 1: Introduction to Coding & Solar Design
Unit 2- Prototyping, Reverse Engineering, Design & Interpretive Forensics
Unit 3: Declarative Forensics & Robotics
Unit 4: Mental Mathematics & Independent Study Projects
Unit Pacing Guide Talented & Gifted Grade 7 & 8
[Template] Experiment 10_ Using the Accelerometer.docx
[Template] Experiment 1_ Blinking an LED.docx
[Template] Experiment 2_ Reading a Potentiometer.docx
[Template] Experiment 3_ Reading a Photoresistor.docx
[Template] Experiment 4_ Driving an RGB LED.docx
[Template] Experiment 5_ Reading an SPDT Switch.docx
[Template] Experiment 6_ Reading a Button Press.docx
[Template] Experiment 7_ Reading the Temperature Sensor.docx
[Template] Experiment 8_ Using a Servo Motor.docx
[Template] Experiment 9_ Using a Buzzer.docx