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Hi, I am Joann Scannell and I am the Reading Specialist for the Brigantine School District.  I graduated from Bloomsbury University with a  Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education with a Concentration in Early Childhood Education. I earned my Masters of Arts Degree as a Reading Specialist along with a Supervisor Certification from Rowan University.  I continue to update my Professional Development with various workshops, courses, and attending Reading and Writing Institutes at Columbia University.


I have been a classroom teacher for over thirty years, seven of which were in the Atlantic City School District before I transferred to Brigantine.  My career credentials include teaching second grade, inclusion for at-risk students, and fifth-grade Reading.  I have been the District Reading Specialist for over ten years.  In addition, I was honored to earn the Teacher of the Year Award several years ago.


I have served as a Reading Consultant, NJ Provisional Teacher Training Educator, and a member of the Intervention and Referral Services Team. I am married and have three phenomenal daughters and a wonderful, supportive husband who encourages me to pursue my dream of educating our future.