Classroom Discipline
Mrs. Z. David
What is the discipline policy in my class?
In my class, I try to deal with minor issues between me and the student. I believe in creating positive relationships. However, in some instances, some students push the envelope to see how far they can go.
In order to make a fair and just discipline system, I keep a roster where demerits are tallied for minor infractions. If a student earns two or more demerits for any minor infraction throughout the week or during the period, the teacher will follow with the Teacher Levels of Action protocol.
What are Minor Infractions?
It is an undesirable behavior that can be dealt with between the teacher and the student. This behavior can be a one time deal or sometimes can be persistent. However, it is always my intention to de-escalate it promptly.
Examples of these behaviors are:
1. Talking without permission or ay innapropiate times.
7. Off task / Not prepared for class/ Not completing task (this includes: off topic during group discussions, not taking notes, not bringing needed supplies etc).
8. Not keeping hands, feet, and objects to self (this includes: tossing objects across class- which can lead to referral, slapping a classmate, kicking classmates.)
9. Not follow lunch/hallway procedures
10.Gum Warnings (2 verbal one before write up)
Once again, these are MINOR infractions that can be dealt with between teacher and student. No administration will be involved UNLESS student becomes violent, willfully disobedient, or uses profanity.
Here is an EXAMPLE
Levels of Teacher Action
Level 1 – conference between student and teacher (warning(s) 1 and even 2).
Level 2 – Punish Work 1
**if work is not turned in, it is doubled and parent is called.
Level 2b- Punish Work 2
***if work is not turned in, parent is called again and student receives an Office Referral.
Level 3 – phone call to parent- this is to try and resolve any persistent undesired behavior.
Levels 4 and up- Office Referral (levels 1-3 are skipped once the 1st Referral is given).
****if time allows it, parent will be called prior to turning in Referral as a courtesy****
Please note that this is just for MINOR Occurrences. Major infractions or minor infractions that persist during one class period will become an automatic referral.
Then, what can cause my child to earn an Automatic Referral?
- Back Talk/ arguing with the teacher. (this is a change in policy due to increase in disrespect)
- Gum (after 2 Warnings.Demerits are given and detention has been given)
- The use of profanity in the classroom
- Fighting
- Direct Disobedience, Rudeness, and Disrespect towards teacher OR classmate(s).
- Harmful acts such as throwing things in class, tripping or slapping a classmate (even if the student thinks is funny, it will NOT be tolerated)
- Cell phone out in class or ringing in class (the use of cellphones is prohibited on campus).
- Use or distribution of illegal substances.
If you have any questions or concerns, please DO NOT hesitate to call me, email me or send me a remind 101 text. I am pretty good at contacting parents right away and I believe in working together in order to make sure your child is successful this semester.