page contents

Literature/ Reading


Short Stories

"From I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings"  Maya Angelou

"Harriet Tubman: Guide to Freedom" Ann Petry



“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

“All But Blind” by Walter De La Mare

“The Choice” by Dorothy Parker



Students will be required to write a personal narrative using many narrative elements.

Students will answer Literary Analysis questions in complete paragraphs.

Students will complete on-demand narrative writing.


Tests and Quizzes

Students will be quizzed on grammar taught in the Narrative Unit weekly.

Student's final process writing projects will be assessed as test grades.

Students will be assessed on the Literature that has been covered in class.



Student's projects in this class are going ot be their rough-draft process writing pieces due the extensive time put into them.



Students will review the following: subjects, verbs, adjectives, adverbs , linking verbs, helping verbs, subject / verb agreement, spelling, punctuation, prepositions and prepositional phrases


 Literary Skills

Elements of Narrative Writing

Figurative Language



Sensory Details



****Other Literature may be added or substituted****