Class Rules:
I expect you to treat the classroom and your work place with respect. Your classroom is your work area and while in class your behavior should be professional and courteous.
In class you should wear the proper attire, wear your ID, and respect your classmates and handle with care the personal computers. Consumption of food and beverages are not allowed due to the electrical equipment in the class.
Please keep the books and your desk clear of clutter. Any vandalism should be reported to the teacher immediately.
As per the student handbook, I can impose an academic penalty to those students who cut class. Once you return from your absence, it is your responsibility to check with the teacher or classmates what classwork you missed.
We are going to spend 40 minutes each day in the same class for the next 10 months. Let's have a safe and clean environment.
Unathorized use of Internet
Students who use the Internet unauthorized during class time, will receive a zero (0) for the day.
Cutting Class:
Academic penalties are imposed for cutting class in the form of a zero (0) for that day.
Student Handbook:
For all other rules, please see your student handbook.