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Lauren Kennedy

It's a GREAT day to be a JAG!!! 


While we are off of school, check out your teacher's website to keep up with your school work. Remember, my goal for each of you is to Never Stop Growing! Your teachers have put together some enaging and fun ways to learn. Don't forget to go outside and play! We miss you!


Check out the Student Council Tab for a list of ways to SERVE during this time. 



We are excited to have your Jags as a part of our school family!  We look forward to joining you on this educational journey.  We will be watching for Jags With Character- we know we have many :)

*Homework Help for parents!  The Livingston Parish Library system has teamed up with the Dept. of Ed. to provide live, FREE tutors for students!  They are available Sunday - Thursday from 2 - 10pm.  Students can access this from home or from the library.  Please attach this link to your website.


Please visit the Study Skills Tab for more ideas to help your student!

Visit us on Twitter @jpejags

Visit us on Facebook - search Juban Parc Elementary

Email me at [email protected]