Wednesday, May 12 (WBW)
Prepare for the final fitness testing. Make sure you are prepared to do the curl-ups, push-ups and pacer test.
The final is worth 30 points and is 20% of your grade. You will test during your class period.
The final is Thursday and Friday this week (May 13, 14). The grading scale is:
Skill # completed (points earned)
Curl-ups 18 (10 pts) 16 (9 pts) 14 (8 pts) < 12 (7 pts)
Push-ups 7 (10 pts) 6 (9 pts) 5 (8 pts) < 4 (7 pts)
Pacer Test 23 (10 pts) 20 (9 pts) 18 (8 pts) < 16 (7 pts)
**If you have any make-up work, today is the day to get it done. All assignments are still open for you to complete. Send me an email or a Remind message if you complete an old assignment, so I can get it graded.
Monday, May10 (Odd Day) / Tuesday, May 11 (Even Day)
Bellringer: Warm-up with 25 jumping jacks, 30 high knees and basic stretches
1. Get ready for final testing
*complete 25 crunches
*complete 10 push-ups
2. Read the email with the directions for the final.
3. Answer the questions on Oncourse Assignments
Thursday, May 6 (Odd Day) / Friday, May 7 (Even Day)
Bellringer: Warm-up with 2 min of jogging and basic stretches
1. Get ready for final testing:
a. do as many crunches as you can in 1 minute.
b. do as many push-ups as you can in 1 minute
2. Answer the questions on Oncourse Assignments.
Wednesday, May 5 (WBW)
Bellringer: Practice for the final fitness test...jog for 2 minutes, do 20 crunches and 10 pushups
1. Watch the video called, "What Makes Muscle Grow."
2. Answer the questions on Oncourse Assignments.
Monday, May 3 (Odd Day) / Tuesday, May 4 (Even Day)
Bellringer: Warm-up with 2 minutes of jogging, 20 crunches, 10 push-ups
1. Complete the exercise video, "5 Minute Butt and Thigh."
2. Answer the questions on Oncourse Assignments.