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Course Syllabus

Instructor: Denise Smith


Course Description: Strategies is designed to address the diverse learning needs and modifications of students.  Reading, writing, and vocabulary are emphasized daily for all students.  Daily "Dear Time" (Drop Everything and Read) will be

implemented daily.  Individual learning needs will be supported, as well as transition services, career education, social skills, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Course Policies: This course will adhere to all student, school, and Wossman policies.

Required Materials: Students are responsible daily for having a three-ring binder, a composition notebook, pens or pencils, materials for on-hand activities. There is no required text for the course. You will be issued a Chrome book.

Grading: Fifty percent of the student’s six-week grade will be determined by completion of participation/class work during study time provided daily.  25% Major assignments and 25% minor assignments. The final grade is calculated by the computerized grading system used by Monroe City School based on nine weeks and exam grades.

Final Exam: This course will have a final activity given in accordance with the school exam policies.

Make-Up Work: Make-up work will be given according to Monroe City Schools policy provided in the student handbook.

Room Goals:

·        To assist the students in becoming as independent and successful as they grow in their 

·        To monitor the students’ progress toward meeting the IEP goals and to assist the student in successfully completing all courses of study

·        To maintain communication with the student, parents, teachers, guidance counselors and other staff involved with the education of the student

·        To introduce and develop skills needed for learning

 Room Components:

·        Planning and Goal Setting

·        Setting Priorities and Time Management

·        Organization

·        Monitoring, Self-Assessment, Advocacy

·        Storing and Remembering Information/Test-Taking Skills

·        Reading and Language, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Art

·        Transitional planning


It is expected that students will come to class prepared with the materials needed. Students are expected to maintain a "planner", or another organizational method to keep track of assignments, projects, and tests/quizzes. Students will complete assigned work in order to achieve goals on their IEPs and review/complete assignments from their content-area classes. 


In order be successful in this classroom and on-line:
1. Utilize time wisely.
2. Follow classroom rules.
3. Attend class daily.

5. Ask for assistance. Remember you are on the winning team.

     Grading Scale:                        A=93-100         




                                                   F= below 66