Classroom Policies, Rules and Expectations for Denise Smith
Students: Please read and sign the bottom of this paper showing that you are aware of the rules, expectations, and policies and rules. This will be your first grade in this class. By reading and signing this paper you will receive your first “A” in the class. These rules and policies are in addition to those described in the student handbook. Any violation of these rules will result in the disciplinary actions described in the student handbook.
1. School rules policies and expectations are designed to help students learn, be provided a nonthreatening environment to learn in and to keep all students safe. It also teaches students how to obey laws in society.
2. Come to class or online on time.
3. Absences: As written in Monroe City School student’s handbook.
5. Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.
6. Electronics: There are to be no cell phones or MP3 players being used in my classroom unless permission is given. If a student is using a cell phone or other electronic device during in class the device will either be willingly handed over to me to be picked up at the end of the hour, or the student will be referred to the office. Students will not be permitted to use cell phone in class. I will permit the use of phones I pods and other mp3 players, cd players, etc. at certain times for class activities. You must ask permission first. The use of such devices is a privilege not a right and if the privilege is abused it will go away.
7. I STRONGLY encourage you to buy a notebook and a folder so that you can keep yourself organized. I will have pencils and paper here as well should you need them.
8. Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
10. Turn your work in on time. Late work is unacceptable. You have flex Fridays for making up work, but ONLY for making up the previous week’s missing work. If you are planning an excused absence talk to me and I will get you the necessary, work for the time you will be gone.
11. Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments will be given only to those students who have all their regularly assigned work turned in. I am not going to give you extra work if you don’t do the work that has already be assigned.
12. Grades: Students grades are available for viewing on-line anytime. You will be able to access that information whenever you want. You will be able to view missing assignments, or perhaps recognize any mix-ups that may have occurred. For your own good and management of your academics YOU need to monitor your grades.
13. You will receive progress reports during the nine-week grading cycle. If you have forgotten your password or can’t access your grades online talk to the office and they can get you squared away.
14. Your behavior choices will dictate if this is an environment of learning or an environment of chaos. You can choose to be responsible young adults and prove yourselves trustworthy, self-motivated, hard workers. That choice will open the door for a successful year. Please make the appropriate steps to make your life easier, successful and something you can be proud of.
I have read and understand the above policies, rules and expectations and understand that I am a critical part of creating a positive learning environment
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______