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New to this version of the NJSLS-CS&DT are the following: • Standard 8.1 Computer Science o Computer Science, previously a strand entitled ‘Computational Thinking: Programming’ in standard 8.2 of the 2014 NJSLSTechnology, outlines a comprehensive set of concepts and skills, such as data and analysis, algorithms and programming, and computing systems. • Standard 8.2 Design Thinking o This standard, previously standard 8.2 Technology Education of the 2014 NJSLS – Technology, outlines the technological design concepts and skills essential for technological and engineering literacy. The new framework design, detailed previously, includes Engineering Design, Ethics and Culture, and the Effects of Technology on the Natural world among the disciplinary concepts. * Please note that the concepts and skills previously included in 8.1 Educational Technology of the 2014 NJSLS – Technology have been expanded and integrated across multiple disciplinary concepts in the 2020 NJSLS – Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills standard 9.4. Given the ubiquity of technology, our students will continue to be required to demonstrate increasing levels of proficiency to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in their personal, academic, and professional lives. Therefore, the standards that were housed in one discipline have been enhanced and restructured to reflect the continued need for student learning in technology literacy, digital citizenship, and information and media literacy. The design of this version of the NJSLS – Computer Science and Design Thinking (NJSLS-CS&DT) is intended to: • promote the development of curricula and learning experiences that reflect the vision and mission of computer science and design thinking as stated in the beginning of this document; • foster greater coherence and appropriate progressions across grade bands; • prioritize the important ideas and core processes that are central to computing and have lasting value beyond the classroom; and • reflect the habits of mind central to technology that lead to post-secondary success.


Digital Design (Grades 6-8)


The Digital Design curriculum was created in alignment with the NJSLS for Technology 8.1 in grades 6-8 to include authentic projects that will allow students to hone relevant 21st century skills. Students will research real-world issues and topics in order to collaboratively problem-solve and create an authentic project to share with an intended audience. Each grade-level includes elements of Design Thinking to teach students empathy, removal of bias, researching using credible resources, learning to be receptive to feedback in a digital world, making informed decisions, and communicating effectively. Each grade level will utilize Adobe Creative Cloud and Google’s Applied Digital Skills to create projects and share their research findings. The district’s keyboarding plan is included as well as NJSLS for Personal Financial Literacy 9.1; Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training 9.2; and Life Literacies and Key Skills 9.4.

Engineering and Design (Grades 6-8)

Through cross curricular engineering and design challenges students will be posed problems and scenarios in which they will implement the engineering design process, while building upon Mathematics and English Language Arts skills aligned to the NJSLS and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  Design challenges require students to implement problem solving strategies, creativity, and teamwork. All activities are designed for safe and effective use of tools, equipment, materials, processes, and techniques within the context of the human-designed world. All instructional activities are designed for safe and effective use of tools, equipment, materials, processes, and techniques within the context of the human-designed world. The district’s keyboarding plan is included as well as NJSLS for Personal Financial Literacy 9.1; Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training 9.2; and Life Literacies and Key Skills 9.4.




The basic technique involves the use of the home row method, where the typist keeps his/her wrists up, rather than resting them on a desk or keyboard as this can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. The typist is to place his/her feet flat on the floor in front of him/her, keeping his/her elbows close to his/her sides with his/her forearms slanted slightly upward to the keyboard. The typist keeps his/her eyes on the source copy at all times, a technique known as touch typing. This stands in contrast to hunt and peck typing.