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STUDY TIPS to use when at home


It helps if you color code your notes. Also, you are more likely to remember what you study first and last. So, study information in a different order each time especially when memorizing.


Study Tip #1
Use your planner to record classroom assignments everyday!

Study Tip #2
  Take a short break after school.  Enjoy a snack and relax a bit with a focus on starting your homework in a few minutes.


Study Tip #3 
   Gather all the materials you need before you start.


Study Tip #4
   Begin a study pattern/habit that will work for you and then stick to it.


Study Tip #5
 Study in a quiet and comfortable area with good lighting.  There should be no television or music on because they will be a distraction. 
  Comfort is important so make sure you are not too hot or too cold.  You should  be sitting in a comfortable place.  Find out what works for you.

Study Tip #6 
  Stay there until your homework/studying is done.  Make sure you will not be interrupted.

Study Tip #7
Use SQ3R each evening that we cover a lesson from the textbook and when you are studying for a test.

Study Tip #8 
 Remember - During a study period(15 - 20 minutes is reasonable), your brain remembers the most during the first few minutes and last few minutes of your study time.

Study Tip #9
After you study for 15-20 minutes, take a five minute break.  I am talking about when you are reviewing a chapter for a test not when you are working on other assignments.   When you start again, start studying in a different place than before.

Study Tip #10
On the day of your test you should review the chapter once again in the morning.  


Study Tip #11
  Find a study buddy.  Get the phone number of at least one classmate so you have someone to call in case you forget something.  Always be prepared!


Study Tip #12
  As soon as you finish you homework, put it in your backpack.  Create a homework folder so that you will not forget to take your homework to school.   
     Make sure you have everything in your backpack for school before you go to bed at night.  In the morning, double check to make sure everything is there in your backpack.


Study Tip #13
It is important to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get the right amount of sleep.  At least eight hours of sleep for someone your age.


Study Tip #14
 Complete your homework showing quality of thought in your answers and hand it in on time.  Be responsible!

Study Tip #15
You may also take the study tips above and try singing the information to yourself and adding body movements/dance as you review the information.  The more your tie your senses into studying, the more likely you are to remember the information.

Study Tip #16
Use mnemonics to help your remember specific information.  For example, to remember the Great Lakes , remember the word HOMES.
HOMES = Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior

Study Tip #17
When you have notes, rewrite them on the computer or using a pencil and paper.

Study Tip #18
You must repeat the combination of study tips that works for you on a regular basis!

If you have tried all of the above and in different combinations, please come and see me so that we can work out an individualized plan for you.


Guidelines from Mrs. Dupuy to help you as you read a textbook



 *Preview the text/words
 *Read words in bold print and look for their definitions
 *Look at the pictures and read the captions
 *Read the title, legend, and caption for maps
 *Read charts, tables and diagrams


 *Turn chapter headings and words in bold print into questions and you can read the questions placed through the text and at the end of the chapter in the review section


 *Read slowly & carefully - take notes!
 *Look for answers to your questions 


 *Repeat to yourself the main points of what you read
 *Reread to clarify


 *Immediately after finishing, review the entire section you read
 Does what you read make sense?
 Do your notes make sense?