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  MLA Format Template.doc   


Use this list to edit and proof all assignments.

                                                              Writer's Checklist

To help you revise and edit your writing, you may check your writing using these questions:

* Did your message make sense?
* Did you include only those details and examples that support your ideas?

* Do the words say what you mean?
* Did you say what you think and feel?
* Does your writing address its audience?

CLARITY - Word Choices and Sentence Structure
* Do the words say what you mean?
* Did you choose just the right words?
* Do your sentences begin in different ways?
* Are some sentences long and some short?

* Did you write your ideas in an order that is easier for the reader to follow?
* Does your beginning pull the reader into your writing?
* Does your writing have a good ending or does it just stop?

* Did you spell the words correctly?
* Did you use correct punctuation?
* Did you use capital letters in the right places?
* Does your paragraphing make sense?

* Is the writing neatly handwritten or word-processed?
* Does the appearance of the writing make it easy to read?
* Do the graphics support the writing?
* Is th is piece ready to be shared with others?