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Welcome to Algebra I, Gifted. 

The nice thing about standards is, there are so many to choose from

The initial goal of Algebra I, Acclerated for 8th Graders is to help students achieve a level of academic competence in elementary algebra skills.  The secondary goal of Algebra I, Accelerated for 8th Graders, is to help students achieve a level of academic competence in intermediate algebra skills that will enable them to work successfully in college level courses.


Just a few of the objectives of Algebra I, GT, are


*        TLW evaluate his/her ability to use the order of operations and signed number principles in calculations.

*        TLW perform the fundamental operations on polynomial expressions skillfully and meaningfully.

*        TLW  solve numerical equations, literal equations, first degree inequalities, and absolute value equations/inequalties.

*        TLW factor trinomials and other types of polynomials.

*        TLW graph linear equations with and without a graphing calculator.

*        TLW calculate the slope of a line given two points or given the graph of a line.

*        TLW demonstrate the ability to perform the fundamental operations of algebraic

expressions skillfully and meaningfully.

*        TLW discover the meanings of precision, accuracy, relative and absolute error value.

*        TLW solve numerical and literal equations.

*        TLW solve linear and quadratic equations and inequalities with one or more unknowns.

*        TLW manipulate exponents and radicals.

*        TLW perform the basic algebraic operations with functions, relations, and rational expressions.

*        TLW graph linear equations, linear inequalities, and parabolas with and without graphing calculators.

*        TLW solve systems of linear equations and inequalities.



Topics of Study:

technological skills to solve problems
rational expressions
linear equations and inequalities
exponents, roots, radicals, and complex numbers
quadratic equations and inequalities
functions, relations, and their graphs
systems of linear equations and inequalities
graphs of linear equations and quadratic equations


See the Contace Me link on the left navigational toolbar to find teacher expectations. 


Supplies:    Binder, 3 loose leaf packets, graph paper, pencils, erasers, tissue, papertowels, flashdrive for worksheet downloads 

Tests are to be made up in the make up center five days after absence, or student will acquire a zero.


Primary Textbook

Edgenuity Modules


Course Outline


Bell Ringers – Quizzes after short introductions to concepts (10% of Grade)

Homework/Practice Work – Follows facilitative efforts in the classroom (students should look forward to an hour of practice daily) (10% of Grade-Non Academic Grade)

Constructed Responses – Open-ended questions are given once a week to tone problem-solving skills as well as acclimate the student to the types of problems he/she will receive on the final exam  (7.5% of Grade)

Tests – A formal test will occur on the last day of every week and after every unit (65% of Grade)

Journals – Students will journal on facilitative prompts  (7.5% of Grade)