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“Behavior Management may be the critical skill you did not learn in your teacher prep courses,” notes MTA New Teacher Committee Chair Ryan Hoyt.

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. 
Surveys of graduates of education schools and colleges indicate that the #1 area of concern of new teachers is their feelings of inadequacy in managing classrooms. Despite clinical experiences, student teaching, and other observations in classroom settings, this problem has persisted for decades. There is no magic elixir that will confer skill in this area of professional responsibility.
We only wish there were. 
In order to promote a safe and academically productive classroom envirnoment, the IPSB requires its staff to promote the nation wide program known as Positive Behavior Interventions & Support, (PBIS), in every school. PBIS is a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning results while preventing problem behavior" (Center on Positive Behavior Interventions and Support, 2001).


You were given a Magnolia Elementary Handbook in August. Please review this often with your child throughout this school year. For further information about Positive Behavior Interventions & Support, (PBIS), please feel free to visit the following web-site:

Ms. E. Daye