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Mrs. Cross is the Counselor for 3rd Grade!  Her email is: [email protected]



Week of Oct. 25th: This is Red Ribbon Week, when we learn to say NO to things that are bad for our bodies!  Click a previous 3rd grade lesson to learn about what you can do to have a healthy body!



Week of Oct. 18th: This is School Violence Awareness Week!  Click on the link to view videos and stories to learn ways to stay in control of your emotions, and to not bully others.


Week of Oct. 4th:This is the Week of Respect!  Visit my Bitmoji Respect Reading Room to listen to some read alouds about being respectful, click:


Week of Sept. 28th: 

*Sept. 28th is National Family Day!  Watch my read aloud and follow up with an easy activity you and your family can do together!  Click:



Nervous about going back to school?

 *Watch this Mindfulness Maya episode on Back to School Jitters:  then practice some belly breathing to focus yourself and to help you stay calm and relaxed.