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Grading Policy for Elsinboro School  Middle School 


40% Tests/Major Projects 
35% Quizzes/Minor Projects
25% Classwork/Homework
 Please note the following:
*No late work will be accepted
*Work is due on the assigned due date and time
*Any assignment that is turned in without a name will receive a 0 as a grade.  No name papers are hung in the front of the room for 1 week or until they are claimed, whichever is sooner.  After one week, papers are thrown away.
*If a student is absent and work is due, a zero will be input into the gradebook until the missing work is turned in.  Grade will be adjusted then.
*Students who are absent get a one day extension on assignments for each day out to complete and turn in work.  Beyond that, the work will not be accepted.