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Mary Renz MSN,CSN,RN

P: (973) 226-0505 X 208

F: (973) 226-0451





Dear Essex Fells Families,


   Welcome Back! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Mary Renz.  I am honored to have the opportunity to care for your child/children this school year as the School Nurse, as well as the PK- 2nd Grade Health Teacher! I received a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from Fairfield University and a Master’s of Science in Nursing from Rutgers University.  After years of hospital based and research based nursing, I returned to school and received a postgraduate Instructional School Nursing Certification from Caldwell College and Rutgers University.  I have been practicing as a School Nurse for 18 years in both the public and private sector and have truly found a job that I love!   In addition to caring for the children, I look forward to meeting the youngest learners in the classroom for health lessons.  Our year will be packed with information about how to be "healthy" and care for our bodies. 


   Returning to school this year will be focused on student health and safety.  I will work collaboratively with each family to ensure that the children remain healthy.  It is a partnership.  I will ask that families adhere to the updated health policies regarding Flu, RSV and Covid-19 and adhering to the EFS HONOR CODE of keeping your child home if your child is ill. 


   The American Academy of Pediatrics' recommends that families resume well-visits for their children and adhere to the NJ-DOE/DOH immunization requirements for school children.  Encouraging well check-ups and up to date immunizations will facilitate a healthy school community! 


   In addition to providing nursing care and teaching, I will conduct health screenings on each student.  The health screenings include: height, weight, vision, hearing, blood pressure and scoliosis evaluations.  Should I find results that require your physician's follow-up, I will notify you.


   In a research article entitled Health and Academic Achievement, the CDC states that "Healthy students are better on all levels of academic achievement: academic performance, education readiness behavior, and cognitive skills and attitudes."  I am committed to fostering healthy children so that they can perform to their best academic ability. Together we will partner to maintain a healthy community at Essex Fells School!


 Please do not hesitate to contact me with any health, wellness, safety and/or any other questions or concerns you may have.


Warm Regards,


Mary Renz, MSN, RN, CSN

Essex Fells School Nurse

973-226-0505 ext. 208

Fax: 973-226-0451

Cell: 973-270-3142