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                                                                                                               September 8, 2021

Dear Parents,

As your child's Spanish teacher this year, I would like to ask for your help.  As parents, you are an  important influence on your child's learning. Your cooperation, concern, and involvement will greatly increase the quality of education your child receives.

I would like you to review the Students Responsibility Sheet, which I have sent home with your child. We will be doing a great deal of work this year, for we have much to learn. Please encourage your child to aim for perfect attendance. If absence is unavoidable, please contact me at the school and I will send the assignment home.

Homework is assigned in my classes every night. Its purpose is to reinforce and develop skills and concepts taught in class. Homework has a significant effect upon your child's learning, so please encourage him/her to do the assigned work.

Please inspect your child's notebook, folder and assignments regularly. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the work or your child's progress.

I hope that we will have an opportunity to meet soon. Should you have any concerns about your child, please contact me at the school (856) 848-1200 ext. 3006or e-mail at [email protected]. I am confident that we will all have a most successful year.


Mrs. Arroyo
Please sign and return this entire sheet.




Your Signature:___________________________