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This page is simply to help my student's continue to practice areas of their speech while we are out of school for an extended period of time. All speech work is encouraged to be done with a homework partner! Aside from the things listed below, reading to your child, playing games with your child, and having conversation with your child will help to continue to enrich their speech.

*Adapt any page that you do not print to be used verbally or on the computer screen! No printing necessary!



The following links have worksheets targeting various sounds for articulation skills

Each child should know what sounds they work on, and parents should have an idea based on weekly homework folder assignments. You are welcome to practice previous homework from the folders, or use these lists.
Another idea for sound practice is to create practice lists of words that you may say often at home that contain the sound your child works on and practice those.

Google is a great resource to find new and different words that may have your child's sounds.


Articulation Games:

Articulation Videos:

Articulation Apps:

  • Smile Train Speech Games and Practice 
  • One Minute Articulation App
  • Speech Essentials Therapy App


The following links have worksheets targeting auditory compehension skills:

Here you can find a link to some multi-step directions to practice.
Students working on auditory comprehension skills can also listen to books and answer related questions, or watch movies and answer related questions.
Some links to practice predicting and inferencing are also provided.


Auditory Comprehenesion Apps:

  • HB Following Directions 
  • Brain games-Auditory Memory
  • HB Auditory Memory
  • Hear Coach
  • Hearing Training



The following links have worksheets targeting vocabulary skills:

-Antonyms-practices words that are opposites.
-Synonyms-practice words that are the same.
-Describing items with attributes-describe items with at least 3 attributes.
-Categories-identify items in lists that don't belong and think of items that can be added to lists.


Vocabulary Games:

Vocabulary Videos:


Here you can find some worksheets to practice figurative language (idioms).
Don't forget, an idiom is not taken literally, but has a hidden meaning.



If your child works on social skills please do the following:
-Play board games or card games. Encourage turn taking, good sportsmanship, social interactions with others, etc.
-Ask them questions and have conversations.
-Talk about how to be a good communicator by being a thoughtful listener, using body language, eye contact, appropriate rates of speech etc.

Social/Pragmatic Apps:

  • Emotion Cards (Learn Languages)
  • English Conversation for Kids
  • Breathe, Think, Do, with Sesame
  • SocialSkills for Autism Kloog2
  • Peppy Pals Spcial Skills


Additional dditional links:



*All speech work is encouraged to be done with a homework partner!
*Adapt any page that you do not print to be used verbally or on the computer screen! No printing necessary!