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Hello Parents/Guardians, 

Please note, the following list of materials will be used in all classes, Science, Literacy, Social Studies, and Math. In order for students to be successful students should bring the following materials: 


  • Folders ( 4 ) - different color recommended for each class

  • Highlighters 

  • #2 pencils or mechanical pencils 

  • Pencil case - preferably cloth material with a zipper (not the plastic boxes)

  • 4 composition or regular college ruled notebooks (marble composition books preferred) - one for each class. Please get 4 different colors so that it is easy to identify what notebook goes with each class. 

  • Colored pencils (for posters/diagrams in class) 

  • Pens, blue or black will work 

  • Water bottles with flip top or screw on lids only 

  • White out 

  • Erasers/eraser caps

  • 1 pack of 3 x 5 note cards 



Please note no headphones from home are to be brought into school. Gum chewing is not allowed in the middle school. Water bottles will be placed in a central location in each classroom and must be either flip top or screw on lids only, no bottles/cups with straws, see pictures below for examples. Chairs must be sat in correctly, with all 4 legs of the chair on the ground. 


Hopefully, this list will help to make your back-to-school shopping much easier. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email over the summer.  Our email addresses are listed below should you have any questions. 

[email protected]

[email protected] 

[email protected]


We wish all of you a fun, relaxing summer.  We look forward to working with both your child and you during the 2024-2025 school year.



Michelle Minichino, Sharon Simms & Joe Sarbello 


Grades 6th-8th Teachers