YouTube can be a great resource for literature! Take a look at these channels/videos for references.
Lessons on some canonical classic literature
The History of the English Language in Ten Minutes (video is not actually 10 mins)
As the title reads, this is a humorous history of the English Language.
The speaker is boring but the video itself has great visuals
Here are some really awesome book trailers. These books generally do not have movies, but these trailers should provide you with enough information to read the novels.
- Sense and Sensibility and Seamonsters by Ben Winters (adapted from Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility)
The following blogs have some really great resources on literature
Run by Malinda Lo (nominee for several YA awards and winner of the 2014 Bisexual YA fiction writers award) and Cindy Pon (writer and brush artist), this website focuses on writing articles on diverse YA literature.
A blog by Neil Gaiman, famous writer of the Sandman comic series, the YA Graveyard series, and The Good Omens. He sometimes includes his smaller pieces on this blog as well. In general, his journalism skills provide a great example of how to wite non-fiction.
A food blog run by Nicole Gulotta. Not only does this website talk about poetry, but it also discusses my second favorite love, food! Gulotta analyses a different poem with each blog entry and talks about a food that the poem makes her think about.
This tumblr recreates popular songs into English sonnets! Cleverly done and I think it is possible to submit your own poem. My personal favorites are Sonnets III and XVI.