NCS Gifted and Talented Program
In grades K-2 we implement a "push in" method where our Gifted & Talented teacher visits each class in each grade level once a week providing an enrichment activity to all students. The teacher takes anecdotal notes noting students' multiple intelligences and higher level thinking skills to help prepare future lessons that are meaningful and relevant to the learners.
In grades 3-8 we implement a "pull out" method. Students are accepted into the program based on multiple measures criteria. We accept the top 5-10% of the students to participate in this program. The gifted and talented teachers (one for grades 3 & 4 and another for grades 5 through 8) meet with the students in small groups between 1-2 times per week. They participate in project based learning that is chosen by the student then customized for each based on their interests and ability levels.
Nominations to occur in May.
Criteria sheets to be completed by teachers and administration in June.
Students who qualify will be notified by letter in July/early August.
Contacts about program
Mrs. Janice Dye, Director of Curriculum as well as Building Principals
Contacts for complaints about non-acceptance or noncompliance
Mrs. Janice Dye, Director of Curriculum as well as Building Principals
Gifted & Talented Teachers
Grades K-4 - Mrs. Elizabeth Connell
Grades 5-8 - Mr. Brian Bowles
6171.2 Gifted and Talented (1).pdf
G&T parent & teacher info letter, May 2020 (1).pdf
April 16, 2018 public slide presentation
G&T Public Presentation 4-16-18.pptx.pdf
Program Review
Gifted and Talented Program 2018-2019 - updated 8_20.pdf
Criteria sheets for students entering grades 3 through 8.
The forms will use the Start Strong NJ State Assessment taken in early Fall of 2022 as the state assessment scores. Next year we will go back to using the Spring 2022 NJSLA Scores.
- Grade 3 G & T Data Sheet ORIG 2023 - FINAL (New Rdg) - XXXXX.pdf
- Grade 4 G & T Data Sheet ORIG 2023 - FINAL (New Rdg) - xxxx.pdf
- Grade 5 G & T Data Sheet ORIG 2023 - FINAL (New Rdg) - xxxxx.pdf
- Grade 6 G & T Data Sheet ORIG 2023 - FINAL (New Rdg) - xxxx.pdf
- Grade 7 G & T Data Sheet ORIG 2023 - FINAL (New Rdg) - xxxx.pdf
- Grade 8 G & T Data Sheet ORIG 2023 - FINAL (New Rdg) - xxxx.pdf
Teacher Nomination Form
Parent/Peer Nomination Form - submit any work samples you want to share to building principals
the deadline for 2021-22 school year has passed
The criteria sheets will be reviewed and re-evaluated as well as revised if needed annually.