Purpose of DM and IED:
- To give the students an introductory knowledge of engineering skills and the design process
- To develop scientific reasoning, inquiry, and realistic problem-solving skills
- To promote communication by requiring individual students to take part in the learning process, and
- To continue to develop personal responsibility as a student.
The PLTW Method
Historically, science and math have been taught in isolation. The project-based aspects of the Project Lead The Way curriculum give students a chance to apply what they know, identify a problem, find unique solutions, and lead their own learning, rather than be passive recipients of information in a question-and-answer, right-or-wrong learning environment. When students understand how their education is relevant to their lives and future careers, they get excited, and that is why PLTW students are successful.
PLTW Program Tenets
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Research/Evidence-Based
- Problem-Based
PLTW courses are aligned with Common Core State Standards in Math and English Language Arts, Next Generation Science Standards, and other national and state standards. Yet, the programs are flexible and customizable so that schools can meet their local curricular and community needs. Courses are designed to complement math and science courses offered by a school and in some instances are used as the core curriculum.
Homework, Grading, and Extra Credit
- All grading in PLTW Gateway will be based on a point system.
- All homework and class assignments will be posted on OnCourse.
- All classwork and homework will be submitted through OnCourse unless otherwise notified.
- Late work must be turned into OnCourse, and it is the student's responsibility to email the teacher clearing indicating the work to be graded.
- Extra credit projects are offered at the discretion of the teacher. Extra credit projects or assignments will not be offered to students who are missing assignments.
Working in the PLTW classroom
- Safety procedures should be followed at all times.
- Each student is responsible for his/her own work.
- Assignments should represent your best thinking and writing skills.
- Correct spelling and grammar are always expected.
- Projects will be completed as a team - you must be able to communicate and work together.
- Each student is responsible for maintaining an independent engineering notebook which will be periodically graded.
- Most projects require detailed, labeled sketches. Illegible assignments will not be accepted.
- Eating and drinking are NOT permitted during class.
- NO gum.
- Treat the furniture and equipment in a responsible manner.
Collaborative Partners
- Activities, projects, and problems will be completed by groups of students unless otherwise directed. Partners and teams will be changed throughout the year and will be assigned by the teacher.
- It is expected that you will work cooperatively and fairly with these people. This group of peers can and should be an important resource for you. Your peers will be the people you “go to” when looking for information missed during an absence. A good working relationship with your peers should be developed.
- Arrive to class on time.
- Follow classroom rooms and etiquette.
- Arrive to class prepared, with your Chromebook, your Engineering Notebook, and a pen/pencil.
- Unacceptable behavior: Consequences for unacceptable behavior proceed in the following manner: in-class visual or verbal reminder, phone call home to parents. Hopefully, there will not be a need for an office referral.
- Please request a FLEX pass during class if you need to finish your classwork or need extra help.
Character and Academic Honesty: It is expected by all of your teachers at Timberlane that the work you turn in for credit is entirely your own. Cheating, copying, or plagiarism is not acceptable under any circumstances. The following actions are considered cheating: Copying other students' work or allowing your own work to be copied, cutting and pasting from the Internet or other sources, using unauthorized notes or sources when taking tests or quizzes and stealing or otherwise obtaining quiz/test materials before quizzes/tests.
Please refer to Board Policy 5701.