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Eagle Expectations


Be Responsible
    -  Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
    -  Show concern for others by using polite language.
    -  Resolve problems quickly and peacefully.

Be Respectful
  -  Come prepared with school materials and home assignments.
    -  Use classroom materials properly.

Be Ready to Learn
  -  Be prompt.
    -  Have all materials and supplies.





   *   Always walk

   * Keep hands/feet/objects to self

   * No horseplaying


On Task

   * Clean after self

   * Keep desk clean/organized

   * Greet visitors politely/smile


Always Respectful

   * Follow rules/directions

   * Raise hand to speak

   * Use respectful words/face/voice

   * Resolve issues peacefully


Being Responsible

   * Do assignments on time

   * Be prepared

   * Pay attention

   * Show parents your take-home folder

   * Volunteer to help