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Welcome to Mrs. Mayard's Kindergarten class

2022-2023 School Year 

Hello! My name is Mrs. Mayard and I will be your child's Kindergarten teacher for the 2022-2023 school year.  I am delighted to welcome you to my site!  It will be very useful to you throughout the school year.  Please make sure to check the site frequently to gain information about school happenings and your child's daily homework.  This site provides you with a lot of valuable information. Welcome again and be sure to check back often for all the news!







Pesson Office:  369-9907 

Mrs. Mayard's Email: [email protected]


 If you need to contact me at anytime concerning your child, please feel free to call the school office at 369-9907 and leave a message with the Mrs. Jones our secretary.  I will call you back as soon as possible. Email is the quickest way to get in touch with me as I check that frequently throughout the day. 

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