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The Faust School Physical Education curriculum is designed to provide each student with the opportunity to develop positive attitudes about exercise, physical fitness, self-esteem, and healthy relationships with others. Good sportsmanship and safety is emphasized throughout each class in order to create a comfortable learning environment. Students are required to participate on a daily basis in order to develop skills that encourage a life-long commitment to physical activity.


Students will have Physical Education class for approximately 42 minutes three days a week.  Students are expected to come prepared to participate fully on days schdeuled for PE.


Non-Participant Assignments - Students who are unable to participate in physical education class due to a medical excuse or any other reason will be given a task (scorekeeper, group leader, etc.) that will enable them to stay on track with the rest of the class.  If there are no tasks that the student can perform safety without changing, a written assignment will be given to complete during class time.  The assignment will be related to a physical education or health education topic. This will help students to stay occupied and receive current educational information as a non-participant.  Even if a student is excused from class, he/she is still accountable for the information being presented in class.