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Grade Weights & Categories


Participation & Classwork: 20%

Homework: 15%

Quizzes/Drafts: 25%

Tests/Projects/Essays: 40%


Classwork and homework assignments will be graded on effort and on a 0-4 scale:


0 = not handed in/missing

1 = minimal effort, partially complete

2 = half complete

3 = more than half complete

4 = good effort, complete


Late assignments: 

Students will be given three days after the due date to return assignments without penalty. After three days, late assignments will be accepted for 50% credit at any point for the remainder of the marking period.




Grade           Percent Scale

 A+     97-100

A     93-96

A-     90-92

B+     87-89

B     83-86

B-     80-82

C+     77-79

C      73-76

C-     70-72

D     66-69

F       0-65