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Sra. Anderson's Discipline Policy


Please be assured that I will work with parents to ensure that each student is treated fairly and with respect. In return, parents are expected to reinforce and  support the rules of my classroom as well as all rules, regulations, and policies of Neville High School as outlined in the Neville High School Student Handbook.


Actions that tend to undermine the discipline of the classroom and/or the school cannot be tolerated. Learning to behave properly in class, hybrid or virtual, to get along with others, and to deal with challenging situations are essential skills that all students must acquire.


My personal objectives for all students are as follows:


>Learning to organize

>Meeting deadlines

>Being responsible

>Being respectful

>Gaining confidence is some level of manipulation of the Spanish language


*In order to meet the above objectives, my students will be expected to follow my classroom rules:


>Be on time to class, hybrid or virtual, with all supplies required!

>Be respectful of others who have the floor to speak!

>Hands off classmates and their belongings!

>Save your private conversations for after class!

>No gum!

>No food or drink in class unless special class occasion!

>No inappropriate dress, language, gestures, or graffiti!

>Lack of respect for me or another student will not be tolerated!


* Disruption of my class or distraction from my daily lesson by breaking any of the above-mentioned rules will not be tolerated!


*Infractions of these rules, including excessive tardiness, will result in referrals to Mr. McCarty and/or Coach Rankins.  The schedule for these referrals are as described in the Student Handbook and will be explained thoroughly to all students within the first weeks of the school year, 2020-2021.



Let's work together to make it a productive and fun year!

Sra. Anderson