Unit 1: Sky Watchers: In this Unit the students explore objects in the day and night skies. They are introduced to the phases of the moon and we explore how these changes occur as we analye shadows. We explore the concepts of revolution, rotation and seasons. We also sequence the order of the planets and their distances from the Sun.
Unit 2: Exploring Organisms: In this Unit the students are introduced to the structure and function in plants and animals and the ties that exist between parents and their offspring. Students investigate living and non-living things, the needs that all life depends upon, and the structures that organisms have to help them obtain these needs. We investigate the parental roles that exist in the animal kingdom and the simiilarities and variations that exist between parents and their offspring.
Unit 3: Light and Sound Waves: In this Unit students are introduced to the physical science concepts of light and sound, including that both phenomena travel in waves. In the first part of the unit students use flashlights to explore and then discuss how light travels and interacts with different materials. In the second part of the unit students investigate sound and how it travels. By creating different sounds and examining how the sound is produced, students trace the wave from the rgin of the sound to the ear.