Please write your child’s regular dismissal method inside their red folder on the left hand side. If your child will be riding the bus, please tape his/her bus pass to the left hand side of his/her folder. If they will be a car rider, please write that in the folder. If your dismissal method varies from day-to-day, please do your best to specify the schedule in the folder (example: Bus Rider M/W/F, Car Rider T/Th). Send in a note if there is a change of dismissal at any point during the year. Please call the office as soon as possible if it changes during the day.
**Please do not depend on your child to know the correct dismissal method.**
School Drop-Off:
Students are to arrive by 7:45 AM. Students being dropped-off by car will follow our traditional route of entering the building through the Main Entrance. Please refrain from opening doors until instructed to do so.
Parents are welcome to to walk their child to the school’s front entrance at which point the child continues into the main school building on their own.
Bus Student Drop-Off:
Those students who will be utilizing bus transportation will enter the school at their normal entrance by Hurley’s Lane. Students will then be directed into the cafeteria where they will hang out until 7:40 AM. At this point these students will proceed to their designated classrooms.
School Dismissal:
Car riders whose last names begin with A-K will be picked up by their Parent/Guardian in the AAC.
Parents picking up in the AAC will park in the school’s main parking lot, which you will access by entering through the Church entrance on Hurley’s Lane. Please park your vehicle and then enter the AAC through its Main Entrance. After you pick up your child/children, you will exit the AAC on the bleacher side exit. Car riders whose last name begins with L-Z will be picked up by their Parents/Guardians in the Cafeteria. Parents picking up in the Cafeteria will park in the Church’s main parking lot, which you will access by entering through the Church entrance on Hurley’s Lane. Please park your vehicle and then enter the Cafeteria through the Hurley's lane entrance. You will then exit through the Cafeteria exit near the Saint Mary Statue.