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Cajun Culture Project


 Evangeline Statue

This spring, the GET students will participate in an extended learning unit that will lead them to explore the unique cultural heritage of Louisiana’s Cajun settlers. They will begin by learning about the expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia and their subsequent settlement in South Louisiana. They will discover the story of Evangeline and Gabriel and discuss its significance as historical fact as well as legend. They will take a look at the differences between Cajun and Creole settlers, and they will research Cajun food, music, and architecture. During the unit, students will visit St. Martinville and tour the Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site. They will also conduct interviews and examine primary sources at the Acadian Memorial. As a culminating project, the students will create a video journal as part of a VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP that we will share on our class web site.


Our VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP video is ready!





Major Learning Objectives for the Unit:


  • Identify the causes, effects, and impact of the Acadian Migration (Grand Dérangement) from Nova Scotia to South Louisiana (H-1A-M3)
  • Suggest reasons why many Acadians chose to settle in South Louisiana. (G-1B-M1)
  • Identify ways in which the physical features of “Cajun Country” influenced the development of the Cajun culture. (G-1B-M2)
  • Explain ways in which the Cajun culture and interests affected perceptions of South Louisiana. (G-1B-M4)
  • Locate information and answer questions using information from multiple digital and print sources. (5.RIT.7)
  • Summarize relevant information from multiple print and digital sources. (5.W.8)
  • Conduct short research projects that use both primary and secondary sources to build knowledge through investigation. (5.W.7) (H-1A-M4)
  • Integrate information from several sources on the same topic in order to write or speak about a topic knowledgeably. (5.RID.9)
  • Report on a topic, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts to support the main idea. (5.SL.4)
  • Provide a list of research sources. (5.W.8)
  • Speak clearly and at an understandable pace when speaking publicly on a topic. (5.SL.4)



Research Resources:


All About Mardi Gras: Cajun History

Read a brief history of the Acadian Settlers…


All About Mardi Gras: Creole History

Examine the difference between Cajun and Creole settlers…


Acadian Odyssey: Acadian History I

Examine what life was like for the Acadians in Nova Scotia…


KnowLA Encyclopedia of Louisiana: Cajuns

Learn more about the Acadian Migration and their life as Cajuns in Louisiana…


Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie

Learn the history behind the poem and the legend…


KnowLA Encycolopedia of Louisiana: Legend of Evangeline

Evangeline and Gabriel: Fact or Fiction?


Cajun Heartland

Exactly where is Cajun Country?


All About Mardi Gras: All About Cajun & Creole Cooking

What defines Cajun cuisine?


All About Mardi Gras: The Rhythm of Life on the Bayou

Uncover the history of Zydeco music…


Hancock County Historical Society: Architectural Styles--Creole Cottage

Learn more about traditional South Louisiana architecture…


Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site

Preview the site before our visit…


Acadian Memorial in St. Martinville

Take a look at what you will learn about when we visit the memorial...