Positive Behavior Policy
Learning self-control is just a normal part of growing up, so our policy is never to embarrass or ridicule a child when he/she misbehaves. Nor do we allow the use of corporal or physical punishment. Instead, we use positive responses that strengthen the self-esteem of children. Most situations can be handled by redirecting the child to another, more appropriate activity. This approach is called "positive redirection."
1. The teacher will be responsible for the positive behavior policy in the room.
2. The child will be guided toward appropriate behavior.
3. The child might be separated from the group for a short time (in the same room), until the teacher and the student discuss the behavior. This is NOT a traditional time out of sitting in a chair for one minute for each year of age. It is simply a time to remove the child from the situation, in an effort to redirect and teach the proper behavior for that moment in time.
4. We have a soft space tent for all students to use at anytime, to have a quiet moment. It is called Tucker Turtle's Tent, and a story goes witht the tent. Sometimes a few minutes of sitting in the tent helps young students to refocus and gain control of their emotions.
5. If the child continues to have behavior issues, the parents, teachers, guidance counselor, and the principal will meet together to solve the problem.