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2024-2025 Preschool Supply List


1. Each student needs a complete set of extra clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag.

2. Bedding for nap time: A one-piece roll-up bedding mat is preferred, or a crib sheet and blanket. Students can use a small pillow and a small stuffed animal too. Everything must be small enough to fit in our naptime bins, which are about 15 inches long and 6 inches deep.

Here is a picture of a roll up mat that can be found on Amazon:

3. We do not use water fountains, so each student needs a reusable water bottle. 

4.  Please pack a snack daily.

5. One box of gallon or quart Ziploc bags. (Please choose only one size.)

6. One package of diaper wipes, unscented.

7. If any other supplies are needed, each individual teacher will contact you later in the


Please label everything with your child's name, clothes, lunchboxes, water bottles, everything!

Thank you,
The Preschool Teachers!




Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any difficulty acquiring any of these items.  Please try to send these items in during the first week.  If it is too much for your child to carry all at once, you can send items day-by-day, rather than all at once. We will need the extra clothes and nap items on Day One!



We do not use water fountains, but will refill your child’s water bottle for them as needed, so please make sure they have a water bottle!


Your child will need a small snack and drink daily. On early dismissal days we may not always have time for snacks, but it’s good to have on hand. We will ask your child every day if they packed lunch or will be ordering lunch, and what they would like.  Please practice with them so they can answer this question, or let me know if you don’t think they can answer yet.  Breakfast is provided daily for all students.



Please send me  an email as soon as possible, so I can add you to my class email list: [email protected]  Please share any pertinent information about your child (health concerns, allergies, likes/dislikes, potty use, food habits, any behavioral concerns, or anything you think could help us as get to know your child and introduce them to school).


I look forward to talking to you, meeting you, and getting to know your child and family!  



Thank you, 


Ms. Sloan


Cape May City Elementary School

